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University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY)
JEJ Moore Middle School (Prince George, VA)
JEJ Moore Middle School is a sixth and seventh grade school. There are over 1000 students in the school and the choral music program reaches around 10% of the students per quarter. Throughout the year, students perform in the building and around the county. JEJ Moore also offers services to students who have been placed in the Program for Artistically Advanced Students (PAAS). In the spring, the music department also puts on a Spring Musical as an extra curricular activity.
North Elementary School (Prince George, VA)North Elementary School is a Title 1 Pre through Grade 5 school in Prince George, Virginia. There are approximately 700 students in the school with around 35% being a part of a military family. While at North I work teaching General Music (PreK-5), and Beginning Choir (4-5). I also work with students involved in PAAS (Program for Artistically Advanced Students) for students who show exceptional skill in music. Feel free to browse and discover more about my time at North Elementary School.
Student Teaching
Big Elm Elementary SchoolAt Big Elm Elementary School I was under the supervision of Mrs. Lisa Reese. My responsibilities included Elementary General Music, Elementary Choir, and 5th grade beginning band.
Clay-Battelle Middle/High SchoolAt Clay-Battelle Middle/High School I was under the supervision of Mr. C. Thomas Moore. My responsibilities included Middle School General Music, Middle School Choir, High School Guitar, High School Choir, and Middle/High School Band.
Undergraduate Teaching
General MusicView my experience teaching African Drum at Kathy's Music, exploring the philosophies of Kodaly, Dalcroze and Orff at Skyview, and my student teaching placement at Big Elm Elementary School in West Virginia
Choral MusicFrom teaching a lab choir, to teaching mountaineer chorale, feel free to browse my choral music teaching experience.
Instrumental MusicI have had the honor of teaching instrumental music since I graduated High School, view my experience from teaching in a Lab setting at WVU and in my Student teaching placement at Clay Batelle High School in West Virginia.
Below are examples of work done during my undergraduate career to help prepare for when I have a teaching job.
BudgetThis project in my Choral Methods class gave students the task of creating a budget for a brand new choral music program for middle school (Grades 6-8). The goal of this project is to use funds to obtain the necessary items for making music on day one.
RepertoireThe repertoire project allowed me to find music that is appropriate for our ensemble (High School Intermediate Choir) and how to effectively program a 50 minute concert.
HandbookThe point of this project was to give the students of Choral Methods the opportunity to design and create a handbook for a choir program (I decided to use my Alma Mater for the title/logo). Some materials that were required were Mission Statements, Classroom expectations, grading, and a parent acknowledgement form.
Student Teaching PortfolioA culminating project for my final semester at West Virginia University. Here I discussed how my teaching aligned with the West Virginia Teaching Standards and why they are important to the continuing success in education. Finally I discuss one of the most important lessons I learned while student teaching.